How Are Vaccines Developed and How Do They Work?

July 6, 2023

Vaccines are a pillar of good public health. We saw that sentiment play out as the world dealt with COVID-19 ā€” there was an eagerness for a rollout of safe and effective vaccines to help get the pandemic under control.

And with good reason ā€” vaccines save millions of lives each year from deadly diseases caused by viruses or bacteria.

ā€œDiseases such as smallpox and polio that were killers a century or two ago are now barely blips in our conscience,ā€ notes pulmonologist Daniel Culver, DO.

Theyā€™re crucial to fighting infectious diseases ā€” yet thereā€™s still a lot of misinformation floating around about vaccines.

To help clear up any confusion, Dr. Culver explains what you should know about how vaccines are developed and how they work.

Read more at Cleveland Clinic.

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