‘I’m a Minor Who Wants To Get Vaccinated Against My Parents’ Wishes—What Are My Options?’

January 14, 2022

January 11, 2022

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expands COVID-19 vaccination recommendations, younger people are now eligible. Currently, anyone five years or older can get a COVID-19 vaccine; however, many young people are beholden to their adult caregivers—many of whom might be vaccine-hesitant. In other words: Most young people can’t get vaccinated without parental consent.

So what do you do if you’re a minor who wants the vaccine but can’t get permission from your caregiver? It can be frustrating (and frightening) if you want to get vaccinated, but you’re unsure how to move forward. However, there are some options.

Read more at Well + Good.

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