Our next vaccine must stomp out variants to end COVID pandemics once and for all

February 28, 2022

The omicron variant has made one thing clear; SARS-CoV-2 is not done with us. 

To stop this pandemic and mitigate future coronavirus pandemics, we need a pan-coronavirus vaccine to stop all variants in their tracks, and we need to rewrite the rules for how we make and distribute vaccines on a global scale.

This crisis has been the perfect storm. It attacked humanity with stunning success, revealing our public health vulnerabilities. Around the globe, we see healthcare systems under strain, hesitancy to adopt protective measures and worst of all, poor access to vaccines in underserved populations once they were created. Even if we were to vaccinate everyone in the United States today,Ā the virus would find unvaccinated populations in other countries, infect, and quickly mutate, only to return to our shores.

Read more at The Hill.

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